Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Upper lip hair for 3 more weeks..ahhh!!

I made the smart a** request for more Movember donations, with the return that I would keep my moustache an extra week for every $50 more raised. On the last night I received $150 in donations. Oh boy, yet super pumped as it's a good cause and one of best buddies fought cancer this summer, as well I lost my Grandad to cancer this spring. Some buddies and I that are supporting Movember are putting in for a MoBro photo contest. Photo below.

It is the season of transitioning from bicycling riding and/or the off season to structured cross training. I am very fortunate and live in a place where I can be in the bush while still in my back yard. That allows for unbelievable days of hiking, snowshoeing, hunting, dirtbiking etc. You get the gist that Peachland is just awesome...Here's a few photos of what I do for off season fun training:

My dad  killin' it on a spin bike we found hiking, of course it was in the middle of nowhere.

The last couple weeks have also been the most real "off season" time I have ever taken. So pretty much to sum up what I did, I ate good tasting food.
 Deer chops

 Best ever!?
Who says aged cheese and peanut butter cups can't be eaten at the same time..

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