Friday, September 11, 2009


Just got some internet up in the mountains here at our hotel in Switzerland. Had a few long travel days in the last week. Made the trip from Down Under back to Canada. Home for 42 hours then I back off to Europe. Where I am with the National team for the remaining two World Cups here in Champery, Switzerland and then off to Schladmig, Austria. Super nice weather right now, way better than Australia. We took the train from Zurich and went all the way down south in Switzerland to a mtn. called Champery. Went out for a ride last night, hard to do an easy ride considering everything here is either straight up for a vertical drop down. Found a bike park and decided to hit some doubles and some drops, work on the xc skills. Just heading up to the mtn for a pre-ride. Will do a bigger update tomorrow after the race. Give full details and some photos.

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