Friday, 13th
Kevin and I went out for our own ride today, Evan and Owen went for a long one and Kevin and I just wanted to build into the long rides. Kevins bike finally got in at 1:30 pm on Friday afternoon. So we quickly built it up and headed out, we picked out a 80 km route that went through Palm Springs, Cathedral City and some other little towns. We headed out with some great weather and some super strong winds. We had to cut out a little loop we were planning on doing because of the wind, we were doing 19 km/h into a super strong headwind and we were just killing ourselves. So we decided to turn back and do an extra loop at the end of the ride. We rode for 2:45 and did 80 km. Near the end of the ride the sun decided to hide behind the clouds and then its started to spit a bit of rain, so we just headed straight home. When we got home Evan and Owen were already back at just veggin' out. They rode 120 km, just over four hrs. We made rice and soup for dinner last night. In the house there are three fire alarms that constantly beep, like every couple minutes, which gets very annoying during the night when were trying to sleep. We woke up in the middle of the night and had a tough time getting back to sleep.
Saturday, 14th
Today we woke up at 6:30 am so that we could ride the Tour de Palm Springs. We skipped out the first 15 miles and met the guys doing the ride in Desert Hot Springs. We started the ride by going out Dillion(anyone who rode last year with us on this road hates it) but it went awesome today, we had a tailwind the whole way and were in a good sized group pushing some good gears and going pretty fast. At one point on a very slight downhill we were going 70 kp/h. I didn't even have anymore gears to be able to pedal. In the beggining of the ride I noticed a Cervelo Test Team girl rider in the group, finally about halfway through the ride I started up a conversation with her. At the end of the ride Owen said that it was Kristin Armstrong(2008 Olympic Gold Medalist) so that was pretty sweet. The rest of the ride was pretty low key. We just rode near the end of the pack and drafted lots. At one point I dropped my knee warmer out of my back pocket, so Kevin and Evan waited for me and we had to Team Time Trial back up to the pack, because the pack was cruising at like 35 kp/h, because there was like no wind today. We rode with the pack for a while but when we were almost in Palm Springs we just turned off and made our way back to the house. We rode 150 km today, rode for 5 hrs and average 30 kp/h. Were just hangin' out in the house, eating food and watching TV. Were just about to head out to the pool/hottub, then back to the house for coverage of the Tour of California!
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